Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday brunch; Really local, Really fresh

It started with Dave asking if I wanted some of the shrooms growing out of his cardboard box Mushroom garden.

Dave cut a bunch of mushrooms for me.

Then we went out and collected fresh green onions.

Then I went to the hoop house for spinach.

All those fresh ingredients called for and omelet. So we went over to Ryan's house for some really fresh eggs.

I chopped and Ryan cooked.

It was really good!

1 comment:

  1. Can't get more delish than that! I'm going to collect some chives,Duck eggs from neighbor Shery and basil from our containered stock. I only have old home yoghurt but with frozen raspberries from last year.Going to plant some giant russian sunflower plants for my own sunnies this summer...
